About us

Company name SOPHIAS Corporation
Address 1716-1, Uwara, Sumoto-shi, Hyogo, 656-0054, JAPAN
Establishment Founded: April 1, 2007
Corporation establishment: June 1, 2007
Corporate number 7140001086035
You can check it on the National Tax Agency's Corporate Number Publication Website.
Registration number T7-1400-0108-6035
You can check this on the National Tax Agency's website for information on qualified invoice issuers.
Trademark registration 1 Registration number:6570228
Registration date: June 10, 2022
Right holder: Sophias Corporation
Trademark: Sophias & D.
You can check it out on the patent information platform (J-PlatPat)
Trademark registration 2 Registration number:6864589
Registration date: November 13, 2024
Right holder: Sophias Corporation
Trademark: WHITE PEAKS
You can check it out on the patent information platform (J-PlatPat)
Main Bank SMBC Sumoto branch
Awaji Shinkin Bank
Affiliated organization The Sumoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Company president UTSUMI Shiro
Business Contents Retail business (mail order sales of watches, watch-related products, imported goods, etc.) and wholesale business. Operation of the online mail order business "Sophias Watches," etc.
Access [by Bus]
From Kobe Sannomiya, take the express bus for about 80 minutes.
From Osaka Umeda, take the express bus for about 120 minutes.
In either case, please use the bus bound for Sumoto Expressway Bus Center.
Awaji Transportation, JR West Japan Bus, Honshi Kaikyo Bus, Hankyu Bus

[by Car]
About 10 minutes from Sumoto IC on the Kobe Awaji Naruto Expressway
Business hours Open Mon.-Fri. 10:00-18:00
Saturday, Sunday and all national holidays are closed.