Compliance Declaration
We declare that we will be a company that can contribute to society by complying with laws and regulations and conducting business activities that emphasize social common sense, corporate ethics, and universal values.
1. Compliance with laws and regulations
We will comply with laws and regulations and company regulations, and act sensibly as a corporation and as individuals, regardless of whether they are managers or employees.
2. Legal and proper transactions with business partners
We will conduct fair transactions in accordance with laws and regulations and will not engage in any acts that may violate laws and regulations.
3. Compliance with contracts
We will enter into fair contracts with our customers and business partners, and will comply with and fulfill such contracts.
4. Compliance with privacy policies
We will properly process and manage our internal information and information obtained legally from other companies (including personal information) in accordance with laws and regulations and company regulations. We will use the information we obtain only for business purposes and not for personal purposes.
5. Elimination of ties with antisocial forces
We will not engage in any antisocial transactions.
6. Respect for human rights
We comply with laws and regulations, respect human rights, and reject discrimination and harassment based on an individual's origin or attributes (nationality, race, gender, age, creed, social status, disability, etc.).
7. Work and the workplace
We strive to create a safe and hygienic work environment, and strive to balance a healthy labor environment with efficient work.
8. Environment
We aim for a sustainable society and corporate activities with due consideration for the global environment.
We support the activities of the Ministry of the Environment, which aims to create a decarbonized society.